Monday, November 7, 2011

Unorthodox Storytellers

Check out some more character builders. Below are links for artists who have built a cast of characters and/or alternate worlds that wander through their studio practice:
Ernesto Caivano

Ernesto Caivano " is very important to be able to resonate with other narratives. Other stories from the history, folktales, science…. It is kind of like a collage, traditional historic collage of all those different elements also the current collage. We cannot have folktale mythology but by looking at the pictures, we can tell that the contemporary cultures are connected, and in the end, looking at these images, you will essentially find the mythology and how those things are connected.
I am very interested how these images told in school, history and books are connected and resonated. For instance, some cultures have similar symbols but different meanings. I am interested in what kinds of meanings these objects can help bring to the culture and how these objects establish the culture. You make a story collecting these objects and the story becomes something real to us in the end. But in fact they are abstract, very abstract. I like that very much." (mildly edited for grammar)

Matthew Barney

Amy Cutler "Siege"

Amy Cutler "Cautioning writers against merely reweaving the same old narrative threads when translating fairytales to contemporary settings, A. S. Byatt recently wrote: ‘We live in a world very far from woods, castles, and gibbets. We live in a world of urban myths – alligators in sewers, grandmothers on car roofs, and a burgeoning virtual world of gossip and storytelling, real and fantastic, on the Web.’ Similarly Cutler mines an especially productive vein when she draws on current events. The elaborate gouache titled Siege (2004), for example, was inspired by the hunt for Saddam Hussein: flurries of arrows descend like heat-seeking missiles on bewildered people, some of whom clutch geese like their only treasured possessions." Kristin M. Jones-- Frieze Magazine

William Kentridge "World Walking"

William Kentridge

Matthew Ritchie

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